Frequently Asked Questions
How are cards sent?
Digital cards are delivered by text message (MMS). We send the text message, not you. You stay anonymous, which is a very important benefit not to overlook.
We do not send cards by email, even if you ask nicely.
Who can cards be sent to?
You can send a card to anyone in the United States or Canada with a mobile phone. Just imagine the confused look on your recipient's face when getting our text.
Due to our meager fleet of carrier pigeons, we do not send internationally.
When can cards be sent?
You can send a card any time between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM local time based on the mobile phone number entered. Cards can be scheduled up to 30 days in advance.
What phone number will cards be sent from?
All cards and messages will always come from (800) 330-3212. If you receive a text from any other number, it's not us.
Are printed cards available to purchase?
Maybe. We have limited quantities remaining. If you're lucky, and tell all your friends about us, we'll mail you a card for free.
Can I submit a funny card idea?
Yes you can, but it better be good.